Sanctuary on the River Mountain Lodge Retreat Center это Центр Здоровья и Счастья Через Пробуждение Сознания чтобы Вернуть Себе Радость Жизни
Следующие Холистические и Духовные Мероприятия и программы будут предложены в центре Sanctuary on the River Mountain Lodge Retreat Center:
Управление стрессом – 1 и 2 недели программы.
Программа Развитие Женственности – “Муза Внутри и Снаружи”1 И 2 Недели Программы. Как Воспитать в Себе Настоящую Женщину.
Программа Потеря Веса 2 Недели.
Целостный Стиль Жизни. Как Жить Мудро в Наше Неспокойное Время Перемен. Программа Обучения.
Ароматерапия на Каждый День – Обучение. Как Минимализировать Использование Лекарств и Заменить их Дарами Природы для Здоровья на Всех Уровнях.
Медитация на Выходных.
Путешествие в Совершенное Здоровье – Detox- Детоксикация Тела и Разума – – 1 И 2 Недели Программы Безмолвная Медитация Просветления 10 Дней.
Мастерская Лечения Сердца и Эмоций.
Дополнительные Программы Будут Добавляться по Мере их Развития.
Свяжитесь с нами для получения более подробной информации об этом проекте
What we offer on all our retreats is your road to a happier and healthier life in love with yourself and others.
Transform Stress into Strength: Discover Simple, Life-Changing Techniques
In these uncertain times, stress can easily overwhelm us. But imagine if there were simple techniques that could make navigating life’s challenges easier. These strategies are not only incredibly easy to follow, but they also require so little of your time that you’ll be amazed at how quickly they can be integrated into your daily routine.
Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, these practices need to become part of your everyday life. This is a journey you must embark on yourself—no one else can do it for you. The best part? It takes just 20-30 minutes a day, and the results will transform your life.
Take the First Step Toward Stress Relief!
You Deserve to Reclaim Your Health & Happiness
Why Join our Wellness Retreats?
- Dramatically reduce your stress levels
- Master daily stress management techniques
- Streamline your business practices with ease
- Enhance your decision-making abilities
- Reconnect with your inner self and intuition
- Rediscover your path if you’ve lost your way
- Strengthen relationships with family and loved ones
- Improve interactions within your business and community
- Uncover hidden health benefits and more
Unlock Lasting Happiness: A Unique Journey to Emotional Freedom
Are you ready to break free from the grip of stress, anxiety, and unwanted emotions like grief, anger, and sadness? Our Stress Management, Educational, Emotional Healing Retreats are designed specifically to guide you into a state of true happiness and inner peace.
This isn’t just another getaway—it’s a transformative experience that delves deep into the root causes of your stress and unhappiness, offering you lasting solutions.
Why do stress and anxiety persist despite your best efforts?
The answer lies deep within your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious holds the key to the emotional responses that fuel your stress—whether it’s anger, sadness, grief, jealousy, or other overwhelming feelings.
These emotions don’t just happen; they’re triggered by deeply ingrained subconscious patterns that keep you locked in a cycle of stress and negativity.
Imagine being able to reprogram your mind so that instead of reacting with stress and anxiety, you respond with calm, clarity, and confidence. It’s not enough to simply avoid stressful situations or escape life’s challenges.
To truly eliminate stress and anxiety, you must address the root cause: the subconscious programs that drive these reactions.
At our retreats, you’ll learn powerful techniques to uncover and rewrite these subconscious patterns and heal your emotions.
With expert guidance and supportive community, you’ll embark on a journey to:
- Identify and release the deep-seated emotions that are holding you back
- Rewire your subconscious mind for positive, empowering responses
- Create a life filled with happiness, resilience, and inner peace
- And much more benefits
This is more than just going to retreat —it’s about reclaiming your life and rediscovering the joy and freedom that are your birthright.
Посмотрите наши другие предложения, мероприятия и ретриты:
Духовные Ретриты в Sanctuary on the River Mountain Lodge Retreat Center в 2024 – 2025
Our retreats are held in English and available with Russian and Spanish languages.
Weight Correction Body and Mind Detox Yoga Retreat Costa Rica 10 days
Rebirth of the Goddess – Women’s Transformational Retreat in Costa Rica
The Entrepreneur’s Edge – 4 Days of Life Mastery with Ayahuasca & in Costa Rica
Intense Emotional Healing Retreat with Ayahuasca & Meditation 7 Days Retreat in Costa Rica
Costa Rica Holidays Journeys to Happiness with New Year Ayahuasca Ceremony
Couples Happiness Retreat to Awaken Your Love – Retreat in English and Russian Languages
Возрождение Любви и Гармонии в Семейных Отношениях – Ретрит в Коста-Рике для Семейных Пар
The Heroes of Our Time – Real Men Retreat in Costa Rica
Ayahuasca Retreat Peru, Emotional and Physical Detox Retreat 7 days
Духовные практики и полезная информация о здоровье и счастье
Past Life Regressions Online, Offline in Costa Rica
Aromatherapy, Rain Drop Technique, Essential Oils
Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Nina
“Неочевидное, но Вероятное” Духовно – Познавательная Программа Нины Бастет
Book by Nina-Bastet – The Quest for Joy of Life
Local Spiritual and Holistic Fun Events in Costa Rica